With many sports globally, soccer is the most game termed to be enjoying playing and even watching. Its characterized by having unique features and football techniques, including two teams playing against each other, each with 11 players. Sometimes you will imagine these players playing in a single pitch without colliding with all 22 players chasing one ball. In this case, soccer positions by number will help each player in the team play a specific role and navigate easily through their opponent.
⚽ What are the 11 positions in soccer?
In a soccer game, each team comprises 11 players making up the 11 positions, and each position has a role to play. The 11 positions are a ball saver, and the other ten outfield players. Here are the 11 positions in soccer that you must know:
- a goalkeeper,
- two wingbacks (Right and left fullback)
- center back
- center sweeper
- defensive midfielder
- right-winger(midfielder)
- left-winger(midfielder)
- center midfielder
- attacking midfielder
- striker(center forward)
What are the positions in soccer?
The soccer positions by number act as a universal language for players to coordinate and score. All 11 soccer positions are arranged in a particular position; defenders soccer numbers, midfielders soccer numbers, and forwards soccer numbers. With the three forms of soccer numbers: defending, midfield, and forward, a coach can apply different formations to arrange the players. For example, the most commonly used formation in soccer is 4-4-2, which accounts for four defenders, four midfielders, and two forwards or strikers.
But the soccer formations always vary from one coach to another, and most of them may use different formations according to the team they will meet. For instance, when the coach will play against a team with counterattacking techniques, they may use 4-1-4-1 formation. That is the most regarded formation that assures solid defense as the four soccer defenders will have a backup from 1 midfielder. The other four centers will be working/controlling on the central part, striking to ease the one striker to make a score.

Soccer position roles
In soccer, soccer positions numbers and roles are a good aspect if you want to know the depth of the football game. The 11 soccer positions allow the coach to build a unique soccer formation that will win. But knowing the soccer positions by number shouldn’t be a big deal but understanding what the player has to do when in that position is the key. So now, let’s get into the depth of water and know each player’s roles in their positions.
Defenders soccer positions
In soccer, the defensive part is always important as they fight to protect their scoring territory, not penetrating the opponent and making a score. The defensive category consists of a goalkeeper, right and left fullbacks, center back, and the center sweeper. Now, here is what each position will have to do to ensure the opponent doesn’t make a score.

A goalkeeper keeps the scoring position secure and ensures no ball goes through by blocking. Goalkeeping is only the position in all 11 soccer positions; a goalkeeper can use all parts of the body to stop the ball. However, a goalkeeper cannot use their hands and tach the ball outside the penalty box.
Right Fullback
This is a defender’s soccer position that allows the player to defend their right side of the defense so the opponent cannot take a chance and score through the right position.
Left fullback
This is a defender’s soccer position that allows the player to defend their left side of the defense field so the opponent cannot take a chance and score through the left position.

Center Back
A center back (usually positioned in the front of the goal) ensures the center of the field is covered by preventing the opponent from shooting the ball to the goalkeeper. Sometimes they are referred to as central defenders.
Center Sweeper
This position is found between the other defenders and goalkeepers; their role is to reposition in the gaps left by the other defenders.

Midfielders soccer positions
This is the group of players in soccer who are positioned in the middle of the field. They comprise holding or defending, center, right and left, and attacking midfielder. Here are their roles
Holding/Defending/Halfback Midfielder
The player in this position acts as the control of the teammates as they connect the defense and the forward. Therefore, they will run up and down at the center of the field and ensure a successful link between defenders and forward.
Center Midfielder
The player in this position will defend and offense. Like the holding midfielder, the center midfielder moves toward the ball’s direction after passing to the respective player.

Right and Left Winger or Midfielder
The player in this position will play along the right side edge of the field, and they will receive the ball from the right fullback, all midfielder, and run the ball along the field edge to pass to forwards in soccer.
For the Left Winger or Midfielder, The player in this position will play along the left side edge of the field, and they will receive the ball from the left fullback, all midfielders, and run the ball along the left-field edge to pass to forwards.
Attacking Midfielder
The play in this position has a role like that of center midfielder, but mainly, they assist forwards and focus on shooting the ball to score.

Forwards soccer positions
Center Forward and Striker
The center forward acts as a backup for the striker, and always they will create scoring chances for the striker. On the forward side, receiving balls on-air and dribbling to help the striker have a chance. A player playing as a striker will focus on receiving the ball from any teammate and make a score.
What does a center midfielder do in soccer?
A center midfielder in soccer plays as a defender and as the offender. They ensure supply ball accurately to their teammates and move backward and forward with the ball’s direction.

What does a forward do in soccer?
Forward in soccer focus on receiving and scoring for a goal at any little chance they get. They are characterized by high speed and accuracy.

What do defenders do in soccer?
Defenders in soccer ensure protection on the goal area for the opponent not to make a score. They do so by blocking shots and attacking the other team’s strikers once they reach the goal area.

Importance of soccer positions by number
When discussing soccer positions by numbers, there are several aspects to consider. More importantly, players in soccer can make several mistakes simply because they don’t know their role in the position they are in. A soccer team whose players cannot learn and keep their roles will be conf11 soccer positionsused and taken advantage of by the opponent. Therefore, soccer players should know all soccer position numbers and grasp their roles to achieve the best in every play.